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I promise you, it does
Players use 20/21 to catch up on reading, dip a toe in coding & Krav Maga, abstain from smoking, alcohol & junk food. Some opt to simply reserve 20 minutes a day that are exclusively theirs - to have a relaxing cup of tea & a cake in blissful solitude.
20/21 is a social experience and there's a reason for it. Not only are even the toughest challenges easier to complete in good company, research and our own experience suggest that human commitments to others outweigh commitment to themselves. Simply put, playing with a partner or a team, helps us stay with the programme.

On that note, pick a way to play and let's begin.

the founder
20/21 is not a coached activity, but a team adventure. In 21-day sets, we try new things, push ourselves, support each other and finish - sometimes, a little tired - but also wiser/stronger/cleaner.
A few words before we begin
20/21 is a free tool
that helps people build good habits
& make their lives more fulfilling
through stress-less pursuit of meaningful achievements