According to physiologists, our energy flows in repeating waves called "an ultradian rhythm".
Every 90 – 120 minutes our heart rate, hormonal levels, muscle tension and brain activity all increase, and so do our alertness
and productivity.
MY ENERGY helps users identify the times of their highs & lows – to adapt daily routine and enjoy a less stressful, more productive life.
After a period of peak performance, the brainwaves slow down and we hit a low when we feel dreamy or tired and struggle to focus.
MY ENERGY leverages 70+ years of scientific research
to help users lean into their energy cycles,
for a happier, more productive life
How to use
Ask Alexa to "Open MY ENERGY"
Tell MY ENERGY what time your tracking should begin and end
For 3 days, our voice bot will ping you within those hours
Respond by rating your productivity on 1–10 scale, even without opening the app
Receive a graph, calling out the times of your daily highs & lows, with actionable tips
Please remember: your graph is only useful if based on sufficient data.
If the gaps between responses surpass 90 minutes and/or less than 3 days are measured, the report is unlikely to offer actionable conclusions.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email Alex at If you like MY ENERGY, please consider leaving a review and recommending us to a friend.
Support & feedback
MY ENERGY is a free tool
that helps people lead calmer & more productive lives
by synchronising daily routines to individual energy cycles